Detox-Mango Smoothie Recipes

I found this delicious, easy to make mango smoothie recipe on when I was searching for Detox recipes online.

Ingredients may vary depends on you personal preference.  I personally think it tastes awesome however, my roomiee does not like avocado even it is full of nutrients.


1 1/4 coups of soy-free almond milk
1/2 cup coconut water
2 leaves kale, coarsely chopped
1/4 avocado
1/2 cup mango chunks
1/2 cup ice

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Homemade ice-cream birthday cake with kit kat, blackraspberry ice-cream and love

Hello everyone,  Big Wong is back to grab a bite with wong.   I have moved a few times in between, NY-VT-NY… anyways I am excited to share what I have explored. 

Couples years ago I have started making birthday ice-cream cake for my business partner who does not really like sweet except kit-kat and blackraspberry ice-cream.


First time

  This year I decided to put everything he likes into one.




In progress

Time to eat! 


Springform pan 9″ in diameter.

19 Kit Kat Bars (4 sections each, 3.5 inches long)
4 quarts (liters) ice cream, flavours are your choice, pick complimentary ones.

Remove ice cream from freezer.
Let stand at room temperature 10-15 minutes or until soft and spreadable but not melting.
(Return to freezer briefly if too soft to work with.) Meanwhile, with a long sharp knife, cut 10 Kit Kat bars in 2 sections each.
Stand around sides of pan, narrower Kit Kat-inscribed side against pan.
Coarsely chop remaining 9 Kit Kat bars; make 4 piles of 2 bars and one pile of one bar
Spoon first quart of ice cream into springform pan; spread firmly and evenly to cover bottom.
Sprinkle with 1 pile chopped Kit Kats.
Repeat with next 3 layers of ice cream  until you reach the top of the kit kat “wall” around the springform pan. 
Top with chopped up Kit Kat pieces.
If at any time the bottom layer (s) begin to melt, place cake in freezer until ice cream becomes firm.) Cover pan and freeze.
Just before serving,  Remove pan sides and let it sit in room temperature.

This would serve 15-20 people. 

I found this recipe on

Thank you to my lovely friend Dale for letting me using her kitchen 🙂

I hope all of you enjoy the cake you make!

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As we were walking in downtown Ossining=middle of nothing
My roommate: Woo, your favorite edamame!
Me: what? There are no Japanese restaurants around…
My roommate: wait, LOOK!


Me: … @.@”

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Big Good Big Friday

BIG Wong here guys!  So it’s our first Good Friday here in the blogosphere, and we’re having a blast. We’re talking about what to cook for the Easter occasion. I’m planning on fusing some American Easter Classics with some Chinese fundamentals. I’m thinking a general tso’s turkey, or possibly a sweet and sour ham. I heard that rishi is cooking some Indian version of the Easter Potato, (it’s like the Easter Bunny, but less animated) and finally Volf is making a huge Hatian hamburger!

Vita Lemon Tea

It is April 2nd already and Summer is just around the comer.  Most people enjoy some iced tea in a HOT Summer.  My personal favorite beverage is Lemon Tea by Vita.  Most of the Asian grocery stores carry this delicious drink and Vita lemon tea usually cost from $2.50 to $3.99 for a six pack.   Image

I carry my lemon tea with me almost everywhere.

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SMS between Eric and I:

Me: yo yo yo, it’s Jess hea. 8:22 AM
Wasabi: Chopstick? Did you steal a cell phone from the soldiers? 8:25 AM


My name is Chopstick?

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Big Buffalo Bills Big Friday with Big Ol’ Wong

Big Wong here guys! It is another BIG Friday up here in the CT. We’ve been baggin’ up Buffalo Bills Steakhouse up in Monroe after work on Fridays, play some pool, have a nacho, maybe two. It’s also directly next to our favorite spot Mac and Daddys. Myself, Big Wong, usually dominates the pool table, much to Rishis chagrin. We’ll see how it goes tonight, but my money is on Declan having a HUGE night! Ryan will have a good night anything having to do with Buffalo gets that guy going pretty good.

I’m expecting to see all the local color again, including but not limited to: Loud Moustache Guy, 35 identical backwater rednecks, Old-Cowboy-Hat-Sequined-jacket-karaoke guy

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Maine House Group Pot Luck Dinner

BIIIIIG FRIDAY  WITH BIIIIIIIG WOOOOOONNNNG!!!! What’s up everybody! Big Wong here writing about another big Friday! So I am very excited about this upcoming event we are having this weekend! The Maine House Group has decided to throw an EPIC pot luck dinner. I even heard Rishi was going to be there!

So, here’s the deal, on Sunday night the whole company is getting together and everyone is bringing the best home-made food they can cook! Word on the streets is that Big Willett Style is banging out his famous baked ziti, based on a family recipe passed down through nine generations of Willetts.  Rishi Mani  is making some REALLY spicy Indian food straight outta Bombay. Tawnya Fairchild is baking some sugar cookies, my FAVORITE! Declan is making his famous Quiche. Ricky-Bobby-Balou is baggin’ up some stuffed bread. Finally, me Big Wong is making some adult fruit punch 😉

I’m sooooo excited for this dinner I have to go right now and prepare myself with 2.5 days of extended meditation!

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Is Hong Kong an island?

So basically we (Big Wong, and Declan) were clicking through flikrs looking through picture tagging the location.  A question came up about wether or not Hong Kong is an island. So what do you think? 88% of my colleagues said that Hong Kong is an island only accessible by ferry boat. I, growing up in Hong Kong, stuck to my guns and said that it was not an island and that it was firmly connected to mainland China. Declan raised a greats point, if Hong Kongs is firmly connected to mainland China, then mainland China should not be called mainland China; irrespective, I’m a British National anyway since I was borns before 1997. Also it just cames to my attention that I’m mostly Portugese because I was technically born in McCow. After HOURS of googling, we determined that Hong Kong is in facts a peninsula! I saids, what the hecks is a peninsula? After a few more hours of googling I determined that a peninsula is a portions of land that has waters on three sides, which is basically island so the whole argument is MOOT.

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